Providers of Agency Management Processes, On-Line Estimating, Budget tracking, Actual monitoring and Benchmark applications. We can assist you in ...
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Providers of Agency Management Processes, On-Line Estimating, Budget tracking, Actual monitoring and Benchmark applications. We can assist you in ...
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Are you looking for a system and process that will provide full transparency for both client and agency, (roles/rates/personnel). All actions ...
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We have developed an application that will allow you to compare your estimates to Industry Norms.
WMS has been tracking actual pharmaceutical ...
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We are often asked, "If we need to develop an Annual Scope of Work, should there be general "buckets" of jobs or should the Annual SOW be at the tactical ...
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In our experience, there is often a lot of turnover on both the Agency and Client side. Relationships are altered as personnel changes occur. In addition, ...
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If you have a Best in Class Process, the greatest On Line Systems, all the support you ask for....How can you fail? It's easy.
Do ...
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We continue to roll out improvements in ARMS. Mostly behind the scenes changes that you will not notice. A few larger ones for Company Administrators. However, one big changes is the ability to now perform Accruals or Forecasts within ARMS. Contact us to show you how. Ability fro second line approvals, optional “legal” document for SOW submissions. Ability to Replace Approvers, ability to inactivate old roles without losing the historic data. Ability to auto populate email lists of Approvers and Agency users. Ability to send monthly status reports.
If you see any other needed enhancements, let us know. We are always trying to make ARMS more robust, yet simple to use as well.
This video will show you how to view a list of the Agency Functional ...
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ARMS tracks 2 sets of budget numbers ...
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Add transparency to your agency relationships. Our systems track annual/individual tactics (role/person, budget/actual, cost/hours) & compare to industry norms.