The Client/Agency Relationship is under constant pressure from all sides. Agency networks demand more billable hours and profits from their agencies. The Client needs to cut costs yet have as many tactics developed as before. Turnover in Client and Agency personnel can threaten a relationship. Lack of a consistent process, available systems or support can lead to Questions and Doubt in the relationship. The common questions we hear are:
- What is the best process for partnering with an agency?
- Should you develop an Annual Scope of Work and Corresponding Annual Staffing Plan?
- What is the right mix of Account and Non Account?
- What are some best practices that produce a better Client/Agency relationship?
- Is there a way to Benchmark the estimates for tactical jobs and the overall Account Mix?
- Should we track actual hours, if so, is there an efficient way?
- How can we implement a consistent process across the company and all agencies?
With over 24 years of experience, Wanamaker Management Systems has the experience, support and systems to provide solutions to the above questions.
We believe that Transparency (Processes, Systems, Support and Reinforcement by Management) will enhance Communication and Accountability. The keys to better Agency Relations.
As former President Ronald Reagan stated, “Trust, but Verify”.