ARMS has been developed so that certain pages can be added/removed or customized without any code changes. In other words, no additional cost or delay in implementation to you.
- Customizable Creative Brief
- Use of Agency specific roles/rates
- Agency Personnel per role
- Ability to add/remove Annual SOWs capability
- Ability to add/remove a JIB (Job Initiation Brief) from client to agency
- Ability to add/remove 25 different pre-made reports
- Ability to add/remove Tactical Benchmark Application for Client
- Ability to Actualize tactics (Current Budget = Actuals) with a click (current budget revised to actuals)
- Second Line approval option
- Accrual Module Option
- Ability to Copy Current Budget Into Initial Budget
The above flexibility in ARMS will meet most, if not all of your needs immediately. If you need additional flexibility, we will work with you determine the best way to meet your specific needs.