What are the differences between the Company Specific and Industry Combined Tactical Benchmark Systems?
In the Industry Combined Tactical Benchmark System there is NO ability to see any specific confidential information. We have removed the ability to filter by Product or Agency.
How many records are currently in the Industry Combined Tactical Benchmark System?
>75,000 records – each one individually assigned a Project Type (i.e visual aid) and a Qualifier (i.e Revise)
How many Project Type/Qualifiers are in the system?
Currently there are 65 Project Types or Categories. The Project Types have subsets or Qualifiers, resulting in 500 different Project Type/Qualifiers combinations. The key to the effective use of this system is to understand how we have categorized tactics (Project Type/Qualifier).
Are the same Project Type/Qualifiers used in the Benchmark Systems and in ARMS?
Yes. It is imperative that we maintain consistency. By doing so, you can compare your Company Specific results with the Industry Combined results. In addition, if an Agency is using ARMS they must select a Project Type/Qualifier from a set of drop-downs that is consistent with Benchmarks. But it does not mean that the Agency will select the Project Type/Qualifier that we would.